Burt’s Bees – It’s The Knees

burtsbees logo.jpg

Burt’s Bees is the best chapstick ever.  It is refreshing and works well.  New England winters are terrible and this stuff always gets me through.

Here are a few of the other best things ever, in my opinion:

  • The Best Paintball Gun
  • The Best Hatsan 95
  • The Best Inversion Table
  • The Best Foam Roller
  • The Best Everything

Thank you and have a great day!

Mr. Money Mustache

Found a great site the other day – it is called Mr. Money Mustache.  The website is about a man who retired early.  He did this by saving his money and living a life much more simple than many other people.

dd6821fade3d86b90bc411b4d9a8c144_400x400By not giving into temptations or hedonistic adaption, MMM was able to live the same lifestyle he did in his early 20’s without sacrificing happiness or the joys of his own life.  Take some time and read some of his blog posts.  They are very interesting.  And even if you don’t agree 100% with his lifestyle you can learn a lot from what he writes.

There are also many helpful and interesting people who post on the forums.  One particular forum that I find very interesting is the gardening related posts.  People talk about growing their own produce! People even talk about growing their own produce inside.  When growing inside it is important to use the best LED grow lights – otherwise you could be losing out!

Make sure you enjoy the forums and have a good day!


Thai Basil Spice

Thai Basil is one of the greatest herbs ever.  It is used in a lot of Thai and southeast Asian cooking.  It goes very well also with curry.  Many Asian restaurants in the US will use Thai Basil in their cooking.

Thai_Basil_0It is very simple to grow thai basil at home.  All you need is some dirt, seeds, water and of course some t5 grow lights.  These lights will help nourish the plant while it is growing. It is important to make sure that the plants get plenty of light from the led grow lights. It is also important that you water the plants every day. Plants need water to survive.  Follow these instructions and you are bound to have beautiful, lush thai basil growing in no time. You can share it with all of your friends and impress them with both your gardening skills but also your cooking skills.  You’re basically a ninja at this point. They will all love you and you will be the most popular person around.  Great job – you should be proud!

After you have impressed your friends you may want to show them around your house. This is important as they will get a chance to see your kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. It is important that they see your growing area so they know you grey the thai basil yourself.  They will probably ask you”Hey, you, cool guy. What are the best led grow lights available?”  When they say this you will be even cooler.  You should respond by saying “A magician never reveals his tricks” and walk out the door.

Total bass-ass.  Just like this guy:

Your Bread Game is Strong My Friend

Do you like bread?  I do.  Do you eat bread?  I also do.  I found a funny subculture on Reddit today called Breadit.  And you guessed it – it is all about bread.  Please find some of my bread findings below:

It’s not very pretty but I’ve finally perfected the taste

A couple loaves from last Sunday

First Sourdough From my Own Starter

All Things Breadit

This is an amazing subculture.  Only with today’s technology can people with such randoms common interests discuss with each other on a daily basis.  Just 30 years ago these people would need to wait for a monthly meeting to discuss all things bread.  Even worse is that before that they could live their entire lives and never meet anyone interested in bread as much as they are!

1440657927273We should be ever so thankful for the technology that we have in our lives today.  It is a wonderful thing.  Maybe we should all try to make some bread to celebrate our advances in technology.  Or just make a sandwich.  Yum.

Everyone loves sandwiches.  And without bread sandwiches would really suck.  Especially the best sandwich ever – which is the hamburger.  Did you know that just a few weeks ago they officially announced that the hamburger was invented in Connecticut?  Yes – read this article here about Loui’s Lunch – who invented the hamburger.  very impressive!

I think I may go for lunch there today – or tomorrow.  I am in Miami right now so it probably won’t happen today.  But I can go to shake shack for a hamburger – that would be super good.  Thank you!

Brunch! It’s Whats For Dinner

Brunch is an amazing thing.  Once a meal reserved for old timers after church it is now a weekend staple that any self respecting person must partake in.  You have famous New York City bottomless brunches, sexy Miami Beach brunch buffets and weird California vegan brunch(yuck!).

brunch1.jpgWhen did this brunch phenomenon catch on?  Sometime in the last 5 years is for sure.  Why do young people like it so much?  Because it wasn’t a cool thing to do!  Now they can go to brunch and show all of their friends how cool they are on the instagram.

Bottomless brunches are the most popular where people can pay a fixed rate and drink all day – usually this means bellinis, mimosas, bloody marys and champagne.  Combine all of this with eggs benedict and you’ve got a disaster waiting to happen.

Most brunches end with a wasted white girl throwing up on the floor – no one wants to see that eggs benedict again.  It happens – but we must carry on fellow weekend warriors!

Now even saturday brunch is becoming a thing.  Now you can brunch two days a week at many local eateries.  Your best bet is probably to enjoy Saturday morning with friends, have a nap then hit up the bars Saturday night after you’re fully rested.

As for Grandma and Grandpa – this isn’t a meal for you anymore.  Stick with church and a light lunch after.  You can’t hang.

Fake BMW X4M

I found a fake BMW X4M the other day.

fakeI’m not really sure why people put fake badges on their cars. They should be proud of the cars they own – not trying to trick others into thinking they have something that they don’t.  Which segways into an even funnier situation.  Many times the only people who would appreciate or notice an M car are people who can immediately tell that you are faking it.  So it is totally pointless!

I know people do fake AMG badges too – don’t get it.  Does anyone know why they do it?  Really?  I wish people would stop being so silly.  Just enjoy what you’ve got!  I guess it’s better than buying a $36,000,000 chicken cup though!

On that note – time to go for a beautiful drive – enjoy the weekend everyone!

$36,000,000 Chicken Cup

Welcome to the 21st century – home of amazing technical innovations and a $36,000,000 (yes – thirty six million dollar) chicken cup.

Chicken Cup


A Chinese billionaire paid the enormous sum for a very rare cup, one that is said to have only 19 actual examples. It is amazing to see Chinese collectors paying so much for a simple chicken cup!  I’m not sure why people want a chicken cup so badly – I’ve seen many cups available at HomeGoods for much less.

Here is what Forbes has to say about the auction.  Incredible!  I can’t imagine what it would be like to have this kind of money. I think I would much rather increase my charitable contributions and do something better with the world, especially the people in need in China.  Nice life!

Instead of the chicken cup I think we should all donate to Save The Rainforest.  It is better for all of us and for our future generations.  Thank you and have a great day!

Miami Beach – A Fun New Lifestyle

Miami Beach is know for its glitz and its glam.  Its sexy Spanish influences and non-stop party atmosphere.  But there is a lot more to Miami beach than just sexy women, wealthy men and night clubs.  More and more people are moving to Miami Beach to start a new chapter in their lives and live a much better lifestyle.

miami-beachThe beach is the best part of Miami.  Could you imagine waking up to see this everyday? I would love to!  The water is so beautiful, the buildings so cool and the sky looks amazing.  Will Smith was right about Miami.

Cost of living in Miami Beach is lower than many areas of the United States including New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and California.  Many young people are able to rent beautiful new apartments with great amenities for less than they would back where they were originally raised. Midtown Miami has some of those great apartments.

Lots of restaurants = lots of service industry jobs.  Many people can live a more casual lifestyle while working a flexible service industry job.  Working as a bartender or server allows people to make lots of money in short periods of time.  Thus they can spend more time enjoying themselves.

Just beware of global warming, scientists are predicting that rising water levels will pose a serious threat to Miami Beach in the future.  Hey – at least Venice Italy has to go first!

I can’t wait to move to Miami – how about you?!  Once again, Will Smith:

Welcome To Index Files!

Hello all and welcome to Index Files!

Index Files will be a general-purpose blog with the intent of bringing new an interesting stories to our readers.  Please check back on a regular basis as we plan on updating regularly.

Need to go?  Don’t!

For instance – here is a picture of a toilet chair!  Very comfortable indeed.  This chair is ideal for anyone so lazy that they would rather not even leave their position to use the bathroom.

One question – where do they keep the toilet paper?  Looks like a modern version of the potty chair.

There is no set topic for the Index Files.  Don’t be surprised by what you will see and will not see.
